Yum! Marriage equality in Vermont gets a tasty twist
Yum! Marriage equality in Vermont gets a tasty twist

New England ice cream mogul Ben & Jerry's has revealed that their popular "Chubby Hubby" ice cream will be re-named "Hubby Hubby" for the month of September in honor of marriage for same-sex couples in the state.

by Robert Nesti | Sep 4, 2009

Fireworks at DotOUT endorsement meeting
Fireworks at DotOUT endorsement meeting

No endorsement in mayoral race. St. Patrick's Day Parade rears its ugly head.

by Robert Nesti | Sep 3, 2009

Anti-gay group launches 'Reclaim Iowa' campaign
Anti-gay group launches 'Reclaim Iowa' campaign

The National Organization for Marriage, a faith-based group aiming to ban marriage for same-sex couples nationwide, launched the 'Reclaim Iowa' campaign August 24.

by Robert Nesti | Aug 28, 2009

How Ted delivered marriage to Massachusetts
How Ted delivered marriage to Massachusetts

Gay marriage advocate Marc Solomon recalls Ted Kennedy's instrumental involvement in the legalization of gay marriage in Massachusetts.

by Robert Nesti | Aug 27, 2009

LGBTs remember Ted
LGBTs remember Ted

Notes from leading community members (locally and nationally) recall the late Senator as a lion-hearted advocate for LGBT issues.

by Robert Nesti | Aug 28, 2009

Conservative parents group mad at 'Men'
Conservative parents group mad at 'Men'

The Parents Television Council, a conservative TV watchdog group, issued a complaint against AMC's "Mad Men" because of the show's TV-14 rating (for viewers age 14 and older). The PTC believes the rating should be TV-MA (for mature audiences only).

by Robert Nesti | Aug 21, 2009

Prop. 8 trial scheduled for Jan. 11
Prop. 8 trial scheduled for Jan. 11

Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker set a trial date of January 11, 2010 for the federal challenge of California's Proposition 8, a measure that bans same-sex marriage in the state, on August 19.

by Robert Nesti | Aug 21, 2009

NC upholds Senator's second partner adoption
NC upholds Senator's second partner adoption

A North Carolina appeals court has ruled in favor of Sen. Julia Boseman in upholding the parental rights that Boseman's former partner, Melissa Jarrell, sought to void.

by Robert Nesti | Aug 24, 2009

Anonymous Mainer offers to double donations for marriage equality campaign
Anonymous Mainer offers to double donations for marriage equality campaign

An anonymous Maine resident has offered to match donations made to 'No on 1: Protect Maine Equality' before Friday, August 21.

by Robert Nesti | Aug 21, 2009

Gay Iraqis face threat of death squads
Gay Iraqis face threat of death squads

The Human Rights Watch released a 67-page report August 17 detailing the violence and abuse suffered by gay Iraqis at the hands of death squads targeting "effeminate men."

by Robert Nesti | Aug 20, 2009

Displaying 35 out of 122 pages