Boston City Council supports passage of trans rights bill
Boston City Council supports passage of trans rights bill

Boston's transgender community got a big boost from the City Council Jan. 28, after it unanimously approved a resolution offered by Council President Michael Ross to support "An Act Relative to Gender Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes," a bill currently before the state legislature that would add transgender-inclusive language to the state's non-discrimination and hate crimes laws.

by Robert Nesti | Feb 6, 2009

News Analysis: SOCO-phobia
News Analysis: SOCO-phobia

LGBT readers of the South Coast's SOCO magazine can be forgiven for doing a double take after seeing the cover for the mag's Valentine's Day issue. Right underneath the headline, "V-Day is for Everyone," comes a teaser that undercuts that message, "We Revisit Gay Marriage and Take Another Look at the Progress (or is it Regress?)."

by Robert Nesti | Feb 7, 2009

Middlesex DA leads roundtable discussion on LGBT domestic violence
Middlesex DA leads roundtable discussion on LGBT domestic violence

Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone held a roundtable discussion on same-sex domestic violence at Waltham District Court Feb. 3, which drew a crowd of about 40 local police officers, domestic violence service providers, prosecutors and victim-witness advocates.

by Robert Nesti | Feb 9, 2009

LGBT legislation at a glance
LGBT legislation at a glance

Here's a list of the LGBT-related legislation that was filed at the start of the legislative session last month. For complete coverage of the bills, see "Flurry of pro-LGBT bills on Beacon Hill".

by Robert Nesti | Feb 6, 2009

William Saltonstall, 1927-2009, former Republican state senator actively fought for equality
William Saltonstall, 1927-2009, former Republican state senator actively fought for equality

With the death of former state senator William Saltonstall on Jan. 23, the state's gay community lost a distinguished and outspoken ally in the struggle for equality. Saltonstall, a Republican and the son of former governor and U.S. senator Leverett Saltonstall, was 81 years old.

by Robert Nesti | Feb 6, 2009

As funding cuts take toll, AIDS lobby day brings huge crowd to State House
As funding cuts take toll, AIDS lobby day brings huge crowd to State House

More than 500 people turned out at the State House Jan. 29 to send lawmakers the message that despite the economic downturn the state should make no further cuts to HIV/AIDS funding.

by Robert Nesti | Feb 5, 2009

Boston School Committee chair pledges support for LGBT students, staff
Boston School Committee chair pledges support for LGBT students, staff

The Rev. Gregory Groover, who was elected to chair the Boston School Committee on Jan. 5, has made a name for himself in education circles as an advocate for strengthening the public schools and closing the achievement gap between black and white students, but many in the LGBT community first became acquainted with Groover in a very different context.

by Michael Wood | Feb 1, 2009

DiMasi's departure a blow to LGBT community
DiMasi's departure a blow to LGBT community

The LGBT community lost one of its most powerful allies on Beacon Hill this week, as House Speaker Sal DiMasi bid farewell to his colleagues after a 30-year career in the legislature on Jan. 27. But despite the loss, advocates were heartened by the election the following day of House Ways and Means Chair Robert DeLeo to succeed DiMasi.

by Michael Wood | Jan 31, 2009

Faith leaders strategize for transgender rights at Newton forum
Faith leaders strategize for transgender rights at Newton forum

The forum, held at Hebrew College in Newton, was the first major event organized by ICTE, which is part of a coalition advocating for the passage of legislation this session to add trans-inclusive language to the state's non-discrimination and hate crimes laws.

by Michael Wood | Jan 30, 2009

HIV/AIDS funding takes big hit, LGBT programs largely spared in Patrick's recovery plan
HIV/AIDS funding takes big hit, LGBT programs largely spared in Patrick's recovery plan

Gov. Deval Patrick released his Emergency Recovery Plan Jan. 28, including a new round of budget cuts for the current fiscal year and the budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10). As <i>Bay Windows</i> went to press advocates were still working to understand how the FY10 budget proposal would impact the state's LGBT and HIV/AIDS programming.

by Michael Wood | Jan 30, 2009

Displaying 48 out of 122 pages