Menino marks National HIV Testing Day
Menino marks National HIV Testing Day

June 27 was National HIV Testing Day, and Mayor Menino did his part by getting himself tested at JRI Health in Downtown Boston, where he was joined by officials from the Boston Public Health Commission, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and representatives of several community health agencies. Menino joined dozens of mayors across the country in raising awareness about HIV screening as part of the fourth annual Mayors Campaign Against HIV.

by Michael Wood | Jul 8, 2008

Unsafe Schools Program?
Unsafe Schools Program?

Martha Swindler, the gay/straight alliance (GSA) advisor at Barnstable High School, said for many students at her school being out or visibly LGBT means being a moving target.

by Michael Wood | Jul 8, 2008

Celebrating a young life :: Yakovleff benefit raises $4000
Celebrating a young life :: Yakovleff benefit raises $4000

About 150 people gathered for a night of fabulous haircuts for a good cause at a June 30 fundraiser to honor the life of Daniel Yakovleff.

by David Foucher | Jul 3, 2008


Derek Jarman's queer classic finally gets a DVD release; is a reexamination of this pioneering director's work due next?

by Michael Wood | Jun 27, 2008

Trembling before Allah
Trembling before Allah

Parvez Sharma's <I>Jihad</i> comes to Boston

by Michael Wood | Jun 26, 2008

Army: Ciara Durkin's death a suicide
Army: Ciara Durkin's death a suicide

The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) concluded that Army National Guard Corporal Ciara Durkin's death last September was the result of a suicide. Durkin, a Quincy resident who was an active member of Boston's LGBT community before joining the National Guard, was found dead at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan from a gunshot wound to the head.

by Michael Wood | Jun 26, 2008

City officials, bar owners meet on LGBT safety
City officials, bar owners meet on LGBT safety

Mayor Menino's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing invited the owners and employees of many of the city's LGBT bars and clubs to a June 25 meeting at the Benjamin Franklin Institute to discuss an alleged rise in hate crimes and violent incidents targeting their patrons.

by Michael Wood | Jun 28, 2008

Collection of trans HIV data slow
Collection of trans HIV data slow

Despite the mountains of surveillance data about HIV/AIDS, when it comes to the transgender community there is precious little information about the scope of the epidemic. Lee Thornhill, prevention and education manager for TransCEND (Transgender Care and Education Needs Diversity), a trans-focused program at Cambridge Cares About AIDS, said based on the program's work and the experiences of their clients it is clear that transgender women are at increased risk for HIV infection.

by Michael Wood | Jun 27, 2008

Friends honor Yakovleff with scholarship
Friends honor Yakovleff with scholarship

Friends of Daniel Yakovleff, the 20-year-old Roxbury hairstylist who was murdered in Dorchester in January, will hold a fundraiser June 30 to raise money for a scholarship program at Blaine, the cosmetology school where Yakovleff received his training.

by Michael Wood | Jun 27, 2008

Mass. marriage equality advocates, opponents, lend a hand in Cali
Mass. marriage equality advocates, opponents, lend a hand in Cali

With California voters poised to decide the future of marriage equality in their state, advocates on both sides of the issue in Massachusetts are providing limited assistance to their allies in that state. This month the California Supreme Court decision legalizing marriage for same-sex couples went into effect, but in November voters will weigh in on a ballot question to amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

by Michael Wood | Jun 26, 2008

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