Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets

When organizers first put out the call for marchers for the first New England Transgender Pride March and Rally, they hoped to get at least 50 participants. So they were astonished when more than 800 people responded through the event website to reserve spots in the march, which takes place June 7 in Northampton.

by Michael Wood | Jun 5, 2008

Transgender Youth Summit coming to Cambridge
Transgender Youth Summit coming to Cambridge

The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) and the Boston Alliance of LGBT Youth (BAGLY) have teamed up to present the Transgender Youth Summit, a daylong confab that aims to empower trans youth, create a youth leadership network, and promote political and civic activism.

by Michael Wood | Jun 6, 2008

ACLU's Norma Shapiro gets her 'Academy Award moment'
ACLU's Norma Shapiro gets her 'Academy Award moment'

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts honored one of its own at its annual Bill of Rights Dinner on May 28, presenting Norma Shapiro, the organization's legislative director, with its Roger Baldwin Award for her 20 years of advocacy on a range of issues, including education, reproductive rights, the death penalty and marriage equality.

by Michael Wood | Jun 5, 2008

M.A.P. Quest
M.A.P. Quest

Steven Fales sings his story in <I>Mormon American Princess </i>

by Michael Wood | Jun 3, 2008

Cyndi Lauper on "True Colors"
Cyndi Lauper on "True Colors"

With a new disc and a new tour, Cyndi Lauper's true colors shine brighter than ever. She talks gay fans, being inspired by Alan Cumming, and the tour that's put her literally all over the map.

by Michael Wood | May 30, 2008

Brand New Frame
Brand New Frame

This album left me wishing I knew more about folk and roots music so that I could really praise it properly. Hopefully it's sufficient to say that although I regard most acoustic singer/songwriter CDs that cross my desk with a combination of hope and dread (and dread usually wins out), I was enthralled with this latest effort from our own Zukerman.

by Michael Wood | Jun 1, 2008

Climate Change
Climate Change

Some stand-up comics lose their edge as they get older, relying on shtick and indulging in easy jokes. Not Kate Clinton. On her eighth comedy album (and in her sixtieth year) Clinton is in rare form, and her timing and delivery have never been better as she ruminates with bemusement and sharp insight on everything from gay retirement homes, Republican scandals, designer dogs and the Bush regime.

by Michael Wood | May 31, 2008

Down to the Bone
Down to the Bone

Why are so many of the gay coming-of-age books about boys? <I>Down to the Bone</i> adds some gender and racial diversity to the growing canon with this tale of a lesbian Latina.

by Michael Wood | Jun 2, 2008

Friendly spirit
Friendly spirit

Massachusetts-born Julie Silver has become a nationally known figure in contemporary Jewish music. Now a resident of California, she returns to Boston this music for a rare concert appearance to raise funds for the progressive congregation Boston Jewish Spirit. The busy Silver spoke with <I>Bay Windows</i> by phone, while en route to a music conference, about her work and faith.

by Michael Wood | May 30, 2008

Far from the finish line
Far from the finish line

On June 1, Phil, a 36-year-old South Ender, will participate in AIDS Action Committee's (AAC) AIDS Walk for the first time in about a decade. Back then he joined a walk team to honor a close friend who had died of complications from AIDS in 1994. This year, Phil's reason for walking is even more personal: he was diagnosed with HIV in 2005.

by Michael Wood | May 30, 2008

Displaying 76 out of 122 pages