Youth Pride charts progress and problems still facing LGBT youth
Youth Pride charts progress and problems still facing LGBT youth

Between the parade, the drag kings, the rock and hip-hop acts, the fabulous outfits and the competitors squaring off on the Dance Dance Revolution game console, Youth Pride was a non-stop party. But this year's theme, "Actual Reality," made it a party with a pressing purpose: ending harassment and violence against LGBT youth and empowering them to live healthier lives. As Youth Pride chair Kelly Lydon told the hundreds of youth who turned out on the Boston Common on May 10, reality for many LGBT youth includes harassment, violence and suicide.

by Michael Wood | May 15, 2008

Change is a-Foothills
Change is a-Foothills

There's something happening at the Foothills Theatre Company in Worcester. It began with a glittery production in October 2006 of <I>The Rocky Horror Show</i>, the cult classic that had the AARP set doing the Time Warp with the original Hot Tranny Mess, Frank-N-Furter, at the Thursday matinee (yes there's a Thursday matinee).

by Michael Wood | May 11, 2008

Get smartpop
Get smartpop

Musicians have long loved to use those "three small words," but singer-songwriter Mara Levi is upping the ante to five words. And they aren't "no more I-love-yous," at least not literally. When I spoke with Levi by phone from her home in Washington, D.C., she was busy updating her website to get ready for a community building project that asks her fans to describe themselves in five words

by Michael Wood | May 10, 2008


What does it take to make it in the scrappy world of independent film? Talent, vision, determination? All that, sure, but when your business card says writer/director/producer/actress/editor, you need one thing more: boundless energy. Even over the phone it's clear that rising queer filmmaker Michelle Ehlen has energy to spar

by Michael Wood | May 9, 2008

The literati meet the glitterati at The Red Fez
The literati meet the glitterati at The Red Fez

Award-winning gay author Joseph Olshon reads at The Red Fez with fellow author Maureen Freely.

by Michael Wood | May 8, 2008

Advocates aim high in Senate budget lobbying
Advocates aim high in Senate budget lobbying

Following modest funding increases for LGBT and HIV/AIDS programs in the House budget for the next fiscal year, advocates are pushing the Senate to approve much larger increases in its budget plan

by Michael Wood | May 11, 2008

Long-awaited bullying guide released
Long-awaited bullying guide released

On April 30 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health released an anti-bullying guide for teachers and administrators that includes a three-page section on LGBT-related bullying issues.

by Michael Wood | May 10, 2008

Rustin breakfast empowers LGBT communities of color in civil rights, AIDS battles
Rustin breakfast empowers LGBT communities of color in civil rights, AIDS battles

Taking the stage holding a sign that bore the slogan, "I AM A MAN" at this year's Bayard Rustin Community Breakfast, Diego Sanchez at once paid tribute to the gay, black civil rights pioneer for whom the event is named and affirmed his own transgender identity.

by Michael Wood | May 9, 2008

Taking educators to school
Taking educators to school

Wakefield High School was a war zone for Diane Difraia. She preferred sweats and t-shirts to hip-huggers and girly tops. On the athletic field she was so aggressive her coaches told her to play with the boys. In tenth grade Difraia came out as a lesbian to her family and close friends, but asked that they keep it a secret.

by Michael Wood | May 8, 2008

(No) Money changes everything
(No) Money changes everything

To the average American the news about the U.S. economy looks bleak: the housing market is in shambles over the sub-prime mortgage crisis, gas prices across the country are reaching record highs (more than $3.50 per gallon in Massachusetts), and economists say that the economy is in a recession, despite protests to the contrary from Pres. Bush.

by Michael Wood | May 4, 2008

Displaying 79 out of 122 pages