Queer women of color create a scene
Queer women of color create a scene

About two years ago Adora Asala set out to tackle a longstanding problem in Boston's LGBT scene: the distinct lack of people of color at the city's LGBT clubs, bars and events. At the time Asala was part of the group of organizers behind MadFemmePride, which aims to raise femme visibility within the community; she and MadFemmePride head organizer Emily Howe decided to hold a social that specifically targeted queer women of color.

by Michael Wood | Apr 17, 2008

Cheering squad, after party for Living Center marathoners
Cheering squad, after party for Living Center marathoners

If running the Boston Marathon is too taxing on your tootsies, why not grab your old pom-poms and cheer on runners from the Boston Living Center's (BLC) marathon team instead?

by David Foucher | Apr 17, 2008

ENDA again
ENDA again

Last week Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) told the Associated Press that he planned to bring the controversial Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) up for a vote in the Senate before the year's end - raising the specter of the brutal infighting among LGBT advocates that accompanied the tumultuous debate over ENDA in the House last fall.

by Michael Wood | Apr 14, 2008

Hal Hitler
Hal Hitler

On April 3 Lexington Public Schools Superintendent Paul Ash announced that the town would be piloting a new diversity curriculum for grades K-5 that will include, among other topics, discussions about families with gay and lesbian parents. The announcement of the diversity curriculum brought the expected jeers from the local anti-gay activist group, MassResistance, but word of the curriculum attracted the attention of a notorious New Jersey white supremacist, Hal Turner, who called on listeners to his Internet radio show and visitors to his website to hunt down Ash at his home and assault him.

by Michael Wood | Apr 13, 2008

Kerry and challenger agree on ENDA
Kerry and challenger agree on ENDA

The debate over the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) may have caused a schism between the country's LGBT advocacy organizations, but in this fall's Massachusetts Democratic primary race for the Senate both Sen. John Kerry and his challenger, Ed O'Reilly, are on the same page in terms of their positions on ENDA.

by Michael Wood | Apr 12, 2008

Keshet is in demand
Keshet is in demand

Back in 2005 Keshet was a small Jamaica Plain-based organization focused on advocating for LGBT inclusion within the Jewish community in the Boston area; its executive director, Idit Klein, was the organization's lone full time employee. But the release of a documentary film, <i>Hineini</i>, chronicling the experience of a girl coming out as a lesbian at a Jewish school in Waltham transformed Keshet from a small locally focused group to a national advocacy and education organization with eight current staff members and more expansion on the horizon.

by Michael Wood | Apr 11, 2008

Stonewall Communities' future looks uncertain
Stonewall Communities' future looks uncertain

Stonewall Communities announced last February that it was shelving plans to build an LGBT retirement community in Audubon Circle due to the gloomy real estate market, but on April 7 the organization announced to its members that it is contemplating purchasing a 62-unit condo development in Dorchester, the Schoolhouse at Lower Mills.

by Michael Wood | Apr 10, 2008


<I>T-Dance</i> is the musical equivalent of a B-movie: you have no idea how you ended up on this channel, you're not entirely sure who the came up with this crap, but you kind of dig it.

by Michael Wood | Apr 12, 2008

MOVE: Atlantis Dance 2008
MOVE: Atlantis Dance 2008

If you've never been on an Atlantis gay cruise, Tommy Boy has come to the rescue: just pop in the <I>MOVE</i> compilation, dim all the lights (sweet darling), drop down the mirror ball, and run your bathtub while sipping a Spritzer.

by Michael Wood | Apr 11, 2008

Love Song Surprise
Love Song Surprise

Who knew Britney Spears had such good taste? If press releases (and, so I'm told, an episode of the pop star's former reality show <I>Chaotic</i>) are reliable sources, then it turns out that Spears selected Static's song "Sweetest Day" for her wedding with The Celebutard Formerly Known as K-Fed.

by Michael Wood | Apr 10, 2008

Displaying 83 out of 122 pages