The Advocate Guide to Gay Men's Health and Wellness
The Advocate Guide to Gay Men's Health and Wellness

Scan most health and fitness books aimed at men and you'll find the assumption that the reader is heterosexual. Even some books focusing on male sexuality treat the fact that some men have sex with men coyly or as an afterthought, or ignore the possibility altogether. In his new book, Dr. Spinelli argues that this is indicative of a general reluctance among the medical community to discuss homosexuality with patients, a timidity that ignores the special needs and issues of gay men.

by Michael Wood | Feb 7, 2008

Just a girl in the world
Just a girl in the world

After spending years traveling the globe to entertain audiences from Provincetown to Australia, what's a songbird to do? Put on a show about the experience, of course. At least that's what big girl Varla Jean Merman (big as in larger than life, natch) has done. The hilariously ditzy drag queen's new show, <I>Varla Jean Merman Loves a Foreign Tongue</i>, will take you around the world and back (or is that on Varla's back?) with a <I>masala</i> of <I>chansons</i> from <I>surtout le monde</i>. <I>Ne c'est pas dankeshoen</i>?

by Michael Wood | Feb 10, 2008

 'An extraordinary opportunity'
'An extraordinary opportunity'

Since being elected mayor of Cambridge by her city council peers, Denise Simmons has fielded a few questions from the three grandchildren she is raising: Can they enjoy watching the Super Bowl on the flat screen TV that hangs in the mayor's office? Does this mean extra tickets to the high school graduation? Will they get an allowance now?

by Michael Wood | Feb 4, 2008

AIDS Action exits Project ABLE
AIDS Action exits Project ABLE

On Jan. 30 Denise McWilliams, director of public policy and legal affairs for AIDS Action Committee (AAC), resigned from the steering committee of Project ABLE, a coalition of more than a dozen HIV/AIDS organizations across the state that bands together to lobby for increased HIV/AIDS funding. AAC as an organization also resigned from the coalition.

by Michael Wood | Feb 3, 2008

MassEquality supporters still willing to roll up their sleeves
MassEquality supporters still willing to roll up their sleeves

MassEquality unveiled its post-marriage amendment agenda for 2008 to a crowd of about 30 supporters Jan. 29 at St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston. The Boston event was part of a series of organizing forums MassEquality is holding across the state to urge their members who mobilized around the marriage issue to support the organization's broader agenda.

by Michael Wood | Feb 1, 2008

Wanted: a few good gays
Wanted: a few good gays

The City of Cambridge's GLBT Commission, which grew out of an LGBT town hall meeting that current Cambridge Mayor Denise Simmons organized in 2004, is looking for new members to advocate for equality for all Cambridge citizens, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

by Michael Wood | Jan 31, 2008

Few facts emerge from Yakovleff murder investigation
Few facts emerge from Yakovleff murder investigation

Two weeks after 20-year-old Daniel Yakovleff was found stabbed to death in a Dorchester apartment very little information has come to light about the circumstances behind his murder. It is unclear why Yakovleff, a popular hair stylist at the South End's Liquid Hair Studios who lived in Roxbury, traveled the evening of Jan. 16 from the South End's Boston Eagle bar to the Tuttle Street apartment of Steven Odegard or what connection, if any, Odegard had to Yakovleff's murder.

by Michael Wood | Feb 1, 2008


Sounding older and wiser on their fifth album - or at least a bit world weary - Nada Surf delivers a pleasant disc of generally mellow indie pop that gently alternates between up-tempo, guitar heavy numbers and slower songs that put the emphasis on the band's lovely harmonies.

by Michael Wood | Feb 4, 2008

The Bedlam in Goliath
The Bedlam in Goliath

Since I am a child of the 80s, I am a certifiable old fogey who often doesn't quite "get" what the "kids" are "downloading" nowadays. So I can only dimly perceive the appeal of The Mars Volta.

by Michael Wood | Jan 31, 2008

Made in the Dark
Made in the Dark

What lies between soulless, twee plink-plonking and endless samples that mercilessly burrow into your brain? A really fun eloctropop album.

by Michael Wood | Feb 3, 2008

Displaying 93 out of 122 pages