<i>Pilot</i> columnist takes aim at LGBT youth programs
<i>Pilot</i> columnist takes aim at LGBT youth programs

The Jan. 4 edition of the Archdiocese's official newspaper, <i>The Pilot</i>, features a column by Dale O'Leary attacking LGBT youth programs and warning parents of the dangers of their youth getting involved with homosexuality and transsexuality.

by Michael Wood | Jan 17, 2008

New trans legal clinic kicks off Jan. 16
New trans legal clinic kicks off Jan. 16

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, will speak at the kick-off event of a new Boston-based legal clinic for low-income transgenders.

by Michael Wood | Jan 13, 2008

Relationship recognition in New England
Relationship recognition in New England

An overview of how the six New England States have legalized - or not - a spectrum of coupling models.

by Michael Wood | Jan 14, 2008

She's still here
She's still here

Jennifer Finney Boylan's new memoir, <i>I'm Looking Through You</i>, is a bit of a departure from her 2003 memoir <i>She's Not There</i>. While the latter book catapulted her to the top of the best sellers list and onto the <i>Oprah</i> show with her comic, intimate account of her transition from male to female, the new book takes a turn for the supernatural, recounting her experience growing up in a suburban house in Philadelphia that, according to local legend, was haunted.

by Michael Wood | Jan 13, 2008

28th First Event to take place Jan. 16-20
28th First Event to take place Jan. 16-20

Long Island activist Juli Owens, keynote speaker for the 28th annual First Event conference, said she plans to talk about the choices that transgender people are forced to make to balance their transgender identity and the need to survive in an often hostile world.

by Michael Wood | Jan 13, 2008

Crossing the border
Crossing the border

With New Hampshire joining the ranks of the civil union states this year, same-sex couples can now obtain all of the legal state benefits of marriage in four of the six New England states, either through civil unions in New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut or through marriage in Massachusetts. But what happens when you cross state lines?

by Michael Wood | Jan 12, 2008


You get cool points for coming out of the Francophone closet, but only geek points for being a fan of Japanese pop. What can I say? I love the simple pleasures of bubblegum pop but get annoyed at the brain-dead lyrics. Since I don't speak a word of Japanese, J-pop is the answer.

by Michael Wood | Jan 10, 2008


I thought of writing this review entirely in French, but that would be clever, and Paradis doesn't seem interested in mere cleverness. She evokes French pop of the 60s and early 70s without the irony of, say, the high-concept cover band Nouvelle Vague.

by Michael Wood | Jan 14, 2008

Some People Have REAL Problems
Some People Have REAL Problems

This album begins with the barely-instrumented "Lullaby," the better to show off Sia's voice, and what a voice: Smoky, raspy, quirky, it'll have you wondering who she reminds you of. Maybe a little Fiona Apple, some Chrissie Hynde, but Sia is mostly unique.

by Michael Wood | Jan 13, 2008


Take some perky pop songs that range in sensibility from surf rock to British Invasion, and play them in an echo chamber that's six feet underground. That's the first impression of this muted marvel, which shrouds perfect pop nuggets in layers and layers of fuzz and noise.

by Michael Wood | Jan 11, 2008

Displaying 96 out of 122 pages