
After a year of skimming every novel from this publisher, I've come to suspect that there are a lot of nervous lesbians in the world. Who else would buy a timid romance like this?

by Michael Wood | Jan 4, 2008

'I'm embarrassed at what I did'
'I'm embarrassed at what I did'

It's not often we receive letters with the subject heading "Apology To Gay Community." More often than not we just get complaints about typos or creepy missives from cranks who just generally hate the gays. And these days, it seems the only time people apologize is just before they head off to rehab, jail or are otherwise forced into contrition by Oprah or Jay Leno. So you can imagine our surprise when we saw that subject heading in our inbox on Dec. 22 and opened an email signed by one Stephen Dunne (see below), the man more commonly known as "the bar exam flunker."

by Michael Wood | Jan 4, 2008

In The Name of the Father
In The Name of the Father

Brisk is the word for this undemanding but entertaining mystery/police procedural that continues the story of Dallas homicide detectives Tori Hunter and Samantha Kennedy, who were introduced in Hunter's Way

by Michael Wood | Jan 3, 2008

Civil unions come to New Hampshire
Civil unions come to New Hampshire

CONCORD, N.H. - Bundled against the freezing temperatures in ski hats, snow boots, woolen overcoats and earmuffs, about three dozen same-sex couples said "I do" as Granite Staters - both gay and straight - celebrated the implementation of the state's civil union law in front of the New Hampshire State House minutes after the start of the New Year.

by Michael Wood | Jan 3, 2008

The gay agenda :: 2008 in Massachusetts
The gay agenda :: 2008 in Massachusetts

Think the LGBT community's work on Beacon Hill is over now that the marriage amendment is dead? Think again.

by David Foucher | Jan 3, 2008

The Rev. Martin McLee: Welcoming all to the church
The Rev. Martin McLee: Welcoming all to the church

Last June, Union United Methodist Church threw open its doors to host the annual Boston Pride Interfaith Service, a pre-parade tradition that goes back 30 years. It marked the first time a historically black church hosted the event.

by Michael Wood | Jan 3, 2008

MassEquality Campaign Director Marc Solomon: Regrouping after a devastating loss
MassEquality Campaign Director Marc Solomon: Regrouping after a devastating loss

After all of the victory rallies and gala celebrations that followed the June 14 defeat of the marriage amendment, it's hard to remember how bleak things looked at the beginning of 2007.

by Michael Wood | Jan 2, 2008

The wedding party
The wedding party

2007 was the year we finally won the marriage battles. More people than can be mentioned made it happen. But <i>Bay Windows</i> honors the following for making a crucial difference

by Michael Wood | Jan 1, 2008

Courage under fire
Courage under fire

The 11 legislators who had an 11th hour change of heart on the anti-gay marriage amendment and thus secured its defeat on June 14 have been picketed, pilloried and crank-called by angry opponents of marriage equality.

by Michael Wood | Jan 1, 2008

House Speaker Sal DiMasi: 'I've never had a vote like that before'
House Speaker Sal DiMasi: 'I've never had a vote like that before'

No matter what we've tagged our heroes over the years - "Person of the Year," its plural, "People of the Year" or more recently, "People Who Made a Difference," only House Speaker Sal DiMasi has the distinction of making our list for two consecutive years.

by Michael Wood | Dec 31, 2007

Displaying 98 out of 122 pages