The year in queer
The year in queer

What a year. From the anti-gay animus of MassResistance, the Boston Archdiocese and to the victory over an anti-gay marriage amendment -from the angst over ENDA to the messiness of presidential politics, 2007 was interesting. Here's a quick rundown of the highlights.

by Michael Wood | Dec 31, 2007

2007 in Review :: Courage Under Fire
2007 in Review :: Courage Under Fire

The 11 legislators who had an 11th hour change of heart on the anti-gay marriage amendment and thus secured its defeat on June 14 have been picketed, pilloried and crank-called by angry opponents of marriage equality. None of these legislators has publicly voiced regret over his or her vote. In fact, it seems just the opposite.

by David Foucher | Dec 27, 2007

The year in queer
The year in queer

What a year. From the anti-gay animus of MassResistance, the Boston Archdiocese and to the victory over an anti-gay marriage amendment -from the angst over ENDA to the messiness of presidential politics, 2007 was interesting. Here's a quick rundown of the highlights.

by David Foucher | Dec 27, 2007

$6M settlement reached in Big Dig death
$6M settlement reached in Big Dig death

After weeks of negotiations, the family of a woman killed when a Big Dig highway tunnel collapsed on her car has reached a $6 million settlement with the epoxy supplier blamed for the accident, family representatives and company officials said.

by Robert Nesti | Dec 25, 2007

Out in print
Out in print

Two new books just in time for Christmas. Check these out if you're still looking for that great new read for someone you love!

by Michael Wood | Dec 23, 2007

Get in the spirit
Get in the spirit

Last week, <italic> Cosmopolitan </italic> magazine books editor John Searles plugged David Valdes Greenwood's second release, <italic>A Little Fruitcake: A Childhood In Holidays</italic> (DeCapo Press) as one of 10 gift books for last-minute shoppers on <italic>The Today Show</italic>. Here's a hearty second to Searles's recommendation. Valdes Greenwood, a playwright and author of <italic>Homo Domesticus: Notes From A Same-Sex Marriage</italic>, writes with David Sedaris-like wit about the Christmases he enjoyed as a young, fey boy with his eccentric family in rural Maine.

by Michael Wood | Dec 23, 2007

Gifted and challenged
Gifted and challenged

Every week, Bay Windows is deluged with press releases from lazy publicists who have no idea of what we actually cover in our paper. The inappropriate pitches get downright surreal around the middle of November, as PR flacks try to push all manner of bizarre products on us as "the perfect holiday gift." After scanning through scores of these tree-wasters, we've figured out what we don't want for Christmas.

by Michael Wood | Dec 21, 2007

SpeakOut announces plan to be debt free by April
SpeakOut announces plan to be debt free by April

Last month SpeakOut, the LGBT speaker's bureau, was on the brink of collapse. Faced with declining revenues, IRS debt, the resignation of more than half of the organization's board members and decreased demand for SpeakOut's services, co-chair Bernadette Smith put forward a motion to dissolve the organization. News of Smith's motion brought longtime supporters and former volunteers out of the woodwork, and on Nov. 14, the night of the board meeting to vote on dissolution, they convinced the board to vote to allow the organization to continue.

by Michael Wood | Dec 22, 2007

The devil's in the details: our guide to the candidates
The devil's in the details: our guide to the candidates

With the Iowa caucuses (Jan. 3) and the New Hampshire primary (Jan. 8) just around the corner, you can't flip on the television, pick up a newspaper or log on to YouTube without encountering images of a weepy Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton trying to soften her edges or Rudy Giuliani perusing holiday tchotchkes at a barn in New Hampshire.

by Michael Wood | Dec 22, 2007

LGBT youth describe harassment, bullying
LGBT youth describe harassment, bullying

About 35 high schoolers from Brockton, East Bridgewater, Fall River and Weymouth met with members of the Massachusetts Commission on GLBT Youth Dec. 17 at Brockton High School to give them a glimpse of life inside the region's public schools. The bottom line? They said that in many classrooms homophobic bullies seem to be running the show.

by Michael Wood | Dec 21, 2007

Displaying 99 out of 122 pages