Gay man runs for Conn. comptroller

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Openly gay healthcare advocate Kevin Lembo considered running for lieutenant governor, but has decided to go after the Connecticut State Comptroller position instead, following the announcement that his colleague (and current comptroller) Nancy Wyman has entered the race for LG alongside Dan Malloy, a Democrat candidate for governor.

"Nancy Wyman has been my friend, mentor and colleague for more than a decade. There is no one more prepared to be our next Lieutenant Governor. It's an honor to support her." Lembo, also a Democrat, said. "I am also proud to launch my candidacy for the office in which she has so ably served for the past 16 years."

According to Connecticut's WVIT-TV, Lembo served as assistant state comptroller for six years before becoming a state healthcare advocate. A state comptroller serves as financial analyst, bookkeeper, payroll officer, and watchdog.

"There is no learning curve for me as State Comptroller, no on-the-job training that we cannot afford. I am ready to begin work on day one to tackle the complex issues that face our State, and restore confidence in our government's ability to get the job done," he said.

The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund endorsed Lembo during his exploratory run for lieutenant governor. In the late '90s, Lembo was named Program Director of an AIDS education, prevention, and primary care program, partially funded by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). He has also served as co-chair of the Ryan White Care Network. He and his husband Charles Frey live in Guilford, CT, with their three children.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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