Big Brother 12, Week 7 :: Breaking Brigade

Steven Daigle READ TIME: 4 MIN.

So we have had some major shifts in power and changing alliances going on in the BB house lately, lets get to the dirty business.

First off, we go into Thursday night knowing it is Double Eviction. Of course the HGs are not aware of this, and are blindsided when Julie makes this announcement. Now, we have Enzo and Matt on the Block, and if you're an avid Feed watcher you are oh so aware that Matt is for sure going home.

It's kinda funny, Matt's attitude and arrogance kinda reminded me of a certain HG from season 10, Brian, who was so overconfident that it ended in his demise. I must throw in a personal note right now: I was really liking Matt, although his slimy lies (sick wife) were slightly disgusting. But he was a game player and was, I thought, a shoe-in for final 2. Unfortunately, he let it go to his head and the chip on his shoulder became the log tied to his back that sank him--thus begins the breakup of the Brigade. By a unanimous vote he was sent packing, and now it's time for the super-high speed live episode.

First is the ridiculously stupid HOH comp that I think my one-eyed 10 year old wiener dog could have completed faster then these HGs, but whatever. Hayden wins it. Is it just me, or does it seem most of the remaining houseguests suck at comps, and the actual good competitors have all been eliminated? The houseguests quickly re-enter the house and run around trying to rapidly put in their two cents on who should go up on the block. Hayden is manipulated to choose Brendon and Ragan, and follows orders as a good puppet should do.

I will say I don't really see that he had any other choice. He clings to the Brigade because he doesn't seem to have a mind or opinion of his own. POV begins, and Kudos to Ragan, 'cause this boy has been paying attention. It is a before or after comp, and he takes it without hesitation--unlike Enzo, who Julie had to reprimand over and over to "make a decision." As expected, Ragan takes himself off the block, and Hayden puts Britney, up 'cause let's face it: he has nobody left to choose. Everyone left is in his Brigade.

Totally predictable voting follows, and Brendon is sent packing--although I gotta say he seemed excited that he gets to run off to the Jury house and plan his wedding with Rachel. (Good luck with that future spinoff reality show that will be canceled after the 2nd episode.)

Next episode begins, and the Brigade seems to be soooooo happy; all that's left is Britney and Ragan to get out, and then it's just them (eagerly awaiting the realization by these dumbasses that only 1 person wins Big Brother). Well, Lane wins the HOH comp, and we see a wrench get thrown into the Brigade's solid plan. Even though Lane is a Brigade member, he has a soft spot in his heart for Britney and he is faced with a tough decision. There is a lot of speculation and we all kinda sit on the edge of our seats, curious as to who he is gonna go after.

I myself must say that I think he made a wise decision by putting up Ragan and Enzo. At this point in the game, I personally am rooting for Ragan and Britney. Ragan actually wins comps, has laid low when he needed to, but has played the game when he needed to; aside from crying at the drop of a hat he ain't so bad. Britney, although slightly annoying at times, is the only estrogen left in the house, and let's face it, she is pretty funny at times. It was refreshing to see someone make a not so predictable move, and I go to sleep soundly knowing that Ragan or Britney will win POV because everyone else competes like little old ladies--i.e., they suck.

So now we come to the POV comp, and I am all ready to sit back and watch my boy Ragan bring it home. He has really been a good competitor in the game thus far, and as I said before, everyone else left in the house couldn't win a competition even if there was $500,000 on the line. (Wait... there is.)

As shocking as it is, we get to the end of the comp and its Ragan and Enzo going head to head. Now, let me just tell you that the odds of Enzo winning are about as likely as Paris Hilton going to jail for her most recent cocaine bust, but amazingly enough the Jersey Shore Reject actually pulls it out.

Now is where it gets sticky. Lane has to make a decision: put his girl up, or put up one of his boys. I for one thought he was gonna forsake his showmance and toss old Brit up, but again to my shock and dismay he puts up Hayden and continues the Breakdown of the unsinkable Brigade. So now who is gonna go home? Ragan has Brit's vote, Hayden has Enzo's vote, and I reckon Lane will be making the tie breaking vote. I must say that I think tonight's episode is going to completely see the Brigade go down with Hayden leaving, saying that just gives me the overwhelming urge to say, "Kaboom! You sank my battleship!"

Thats my prediction. See you next week when we begin the Final Four. Don't forget to follow my updates on This text will be the link.

by Steven Daigle

Steven is a champion bull rider in the gay rodeo circuit and was a contestant on "Big Brother Season 10."

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