RI Bishop: No gay marriage

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas J. Tobin criticized Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chaffee for his support of same-sex marriage, The Providence Journal reported.

In a public statement, Tobin said that legalizing same-sex marriage is "morally wrong and detrimental to the well-being of our state."

"It is particularly disturbing that our new governor, who has trumpeted his desire to bring our state together in unity, would adopt such a very divisive agenda item as one of his first priorities," he said. "His proposal violates the sincere conscience of many of our citizens and inflames passions on both sides of the issue. ...Our state leaders could better serve all Rhode Islanders by working on initiatives that will create jobs and improve the overall economic health of our state."

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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