Madrid to Host 2014 IGLTA Annual Global Convention

Robert Doyle READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Fort Lauderdale, FL-The International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association's 31st Annual Global Convention will be held in Madrid in May 2014. This will mark the inaugural appearance of IGLTA's premier educational and networking event in Spain - a country known for its progressive legislation on LGBT rights.

"We're thrilled to be returning to Europe for our 2014 convention, especially to the beautiful city of Madrid," said IGLTA Board Chair Tanya Churchmuch. "Not only is Madrid home to one of the most important Pride events in the world, but it also has an extremely active local LGBT community that worked hand in hand with local tourism offices to create their wonderful conference bid."

Promoci�n Madrid (the Madrid City Council's Tourist Board), Turespa�a (the Spanish Tourism Board) and Turismo Madrid (Tourist Board of the Region of Madrid) have pledged support for the convention. The capital city is also headquarters for the United Nations World Tourism Organization, a key organizational partner of IGLTA.

"This convention, undoubtedly, will help consolidate Madrid among the top destinations in the world for the LGBT segment," said Miguel Angel Villanueva, the Councilor of the Department of Economy, Employment and Citizen Participation of the Madrid City Council and Chair of Promoci�n Madrid.

The Secretary-General of Domestic Trade and Tourism of Spain, Joan Mesquida, highlighted the way in which the IGLTA Annual Global Convention is a perfect fit for the country: "Spain is a unique country with six consolidated LGBT destinations - Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza, Sitges, Gran Canaria and Torremolinos - where LGBT tourism has a very important and specific weight, accounting for over 10 percent of the overall number of visitors."

Diversity Consulting and DiversMad (Madrid's Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce) will coordinate and manage the 2014 Convention. For more information, visit

IGLTA is the leading global organization dedicated to connecting businesses in the LGBT tourism industry, with more than 2,100 member businesses in 84 countries. The recently created nonprofit IGLTA Foundation for LGBT Tourism aims to further knowledge about LGBT travel worldwide: IGLTA 2012 convention: 12-14 April Florianopolis, Brazil, For more on IGLTA, please go to or follow us on Facebook:

by Robert Doyle

Long-term New Yorkers, Mark and Robert have also lived in San Francisco, Boston, Provincetown, D.C., Miami Beach and the south of France. The recipient of fellowships at MacDowell, Yaddo, and Blue Mountain Center, Mark is a PhD in American history and literature, as well as the author of the novels Wolfchild and My Hawaiian Penthouse. Robert is the producer of the documentary We Are All Children of God. Their work has appeared in numerous publications, as well as at :

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