Dominican Superfood Feast

Mark Thompson READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Las Terrenas, DR - From traditional nutrient packed dishes like Mangu Dominicano to innovative and inspired creations like Quinoa Hamburgers, the young and highly acclaimed Chef Cristian Ba�z of Sublime Samana Hotel & Residences is reinvigorating the Dominican kitchen with delectable superfood dishes.

As the head chef of Bistro, Sublime Samana Hotel & Residences' upscale restaurant, the 27-year-old chef has made a point of crafting a menu rich in crucial nutrients and low calorie options. Featuring tropical and traditional healthy ingredients such as papaya, quinoa, mahi mahi and beets, his dishes are high in anti-oxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins.

Below are a few simple recipes to bring Chef Ba�z's Dominican flair into your kitchen.

Mangu Dominicano

4 servings


4 plantains
5 � tablespoons olive oil
4 eggs
2/3 cup soft cheese
1/3 lbs chicken sausage
Natural coconut to taste
� cup of thinly sliced red onion
4 fresh tomatoes chopped
2 � tablespoons milk
Salt to taste


Peel the plantains and boil them until softened.
In a mixing bowl, puree the softened plantains with the olive oil and milk to make the mangu. Salt the mixture to taste.
In a frying pan saut� the onions and fresh chopped tomatoes. Season to taste.
Slice the sausage and cheese so that they are � inch thick. In a very hot pan, saut� the cheese and sausage until the sausage is cooked through and the cheese is golden in color.
With a little bit of olive oil, pan fry the eggs.
Place the onion and tomato mixture over the plantain puree. The egg, sausage and cheese can be plated alongside the mangu.

Quinoa Hamburger

3 servings


1 � cups cooked quinoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons herbs de Provence
� cup mashed potatoes
3 tablespoons olive oil
Celery salt to taste
1 organic white onion diced


Finely chop the onion and sautee with a little olive oil and the herbs de Provence.
Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl until a homogeneous paste is made.
Make small balls of the paste, flatten them slightly using your palm, and saut� them in a very hot pan so the quinoa caramelizes.
Serve over your favorite fresh bread or salad.

Mahi Mahi with Coral Lentil, Edamame and Beets Salad

2 Servings


1 lb. mahi mahi
� cup coral lentils
1/8 cup brown lentils
2 tablespoons cumin
2 oranges
� cup edamame
� cup beets
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt to taste


Cook the beets, coral lentils and brown lentils separately in boiling water until they are soft.
Clean the edamame and steam them so that they do not lose their properties.
Salt and pepper the mahi mahi to taste. Place the seasoned fish in a pot pan with olive oil and cover the pan.
Once the fish is cooked, remove it from the pan.
Transfer the lentils, beets and edamame to the same pan that the mahi mahi was cooked in, and saut� all ingredients with cumin and sea salt.
Place the vegetable mixture on the same plate as the fish and garnish with slices of orange.

Granizado of Papaya and Apple

1 Serving


� cup papaya
1 green apple
� cup fresh kiwi juice


Blend the fruit and juice in a blender.
Freeze the mixture for 2 hours.
Scrape the mixture with a fork in order to make the granizado.
Serve in a martini glass and accompany with fresh cut fruit.

For further information visit or call (809) 240-5050.


by Mark Thompson , EDGE Style & Travel Editor

A long-term New Yorker and a member of New York Travel Writers Association, Mark Thompson has also lived in San Francisco, Boston, Provincetown, D.C., Miami Beach and the south of France. The author of the novels WOLFCHILD and MY HAWAIIAN PENTHOUSE, he has a PhD in American Studies and is the recipient of fellowships at MacDowell, Yaddo, and Blue Mountain Center. His work has appeared in numerous publications.

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