Oops: Texas News Station Tweets Gay Porn Instead of Traffic Report

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

If you live in Austin, Texas, your Wednesday evening ride home from work may have consisted of traffic and ass. Oh my!

Time Warner Cable News Austin is apologizing Thursday after the station tweeted out some twinky gay porn Wednesday evening instead of a standard traffic report, Jezebel reports.

"TRAFFIC: Your 5:12 p.m. update. Too many!" the tweet read. Included in the tweet is a collage of four images of some good ol' gay porn. Maybe the station wanted give its loyal followers something to look at while waiting in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

"Too many" what?

The tweet was unsurprisingly deleted quickly and TWC apologized for the XXX traffic report and promised an investigation.

"We sincerely apologize for an earlier tweet which contained offensive content. We are investigating what happened," the tweet reads.

This isn't the first time a news station tweeted out porn. The British newspaper the Metro points out Memphis news station WREG tweeted a Pornhub.com link instead of their weather update.

US Airways tweeted an extremely NSFW picture of a woman with a toy airplane in her vagina earlier this year, Jezebel notes.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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