Hate Group Goes On Diet: 21 Day Fast For Marriage Begins Today

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

If all goes to plan, there will be a lot of skinny bigots come May.

In preparation for April 28 when the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments that will decide the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans, Tony Perkins of the Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-gay hate group Family Research Council (FRC) is encouraging his followers to pray and fast.

A post published on Perkins' Call2Fall blog reads:

FRC President Tony Perkins is asking believers everywhere to pray and fast from April 7 till April 28 that God will intervene to guide our Supreme Court to protect, not destroy, natural marriage as the legal standard for our nation. He urges that we "pray up to the day of battle and go into that day with strength; praising God for the victory!"


May hundreds of thousands, even millions, join us in prayer and fasting for the members of the Supreme Court; that God will move a strong majority of the Justices to reaffirm natural marriage and reject the idea of inventing any right to same-sex "marriage" in the Constitution!

To assist believers with their fasts, Call 2 Fall has published some helpful hints on how to safely fast.

"Some will pray daily at what would normally be mealtimes," the guidelines reads. A "reform" fast (that sounds a lot like eating) is also outlined. "Others will fast only one or two meals each days," as are orthodox and less versions. "Some will abstain from solid food and drink water only for the entire 21 days, others will drink juices and liquids."

Perkins' Call 2 Fall campaign was launched in 2013 in a since thwarted effort to fight the Supreme Court's decision to strike down DOMA. As Americablog pointed out at the time, they ironically used the slogan "On our knees for America" accompanied by an icon that suspiciously looked like someone performing oral sex.

Fasting is de rigueur for Call 2 Fall campaigns. In recent weeks, the blog has called followers to pray and fast in support of Indiana and Arkansas' unamended license to discriminate bills, against any sort of nuclear deal with Iran and in support of a Human Trafficking bill with hidden anti-abortion language. So far, they're zero for four. Weight loss statistics are unavailable.

by Bobby McGuire

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