Not a 'Show Biz' Guy, Jason Gould Finds His Own Creative Path

Nicholas Dussault READ TIME: 8 MIN.

Jason Gould

EDGE: What's next for you?

Jason Gould: I continue to write music. If I'm not making music, I could be making soup, or painting something, or making pottery. I'm innately creative. I always need to be making something. I think it's fun to experiment with food.

EDGE: What's your specialty?

Jason Gould: I don't have a specialty really. But I just made this vegan corn chowder. I'm not vegan, but I don't like dairy. I don't eat cheese. I don't like cream, but I do like ice cream. How's that for contradiction?

I have to go on creating. That's part of how I stay grounded and centered. If you are a creative person and you are not using that, it can turn against you.

EDGE: Are you single?

Jason Gould: I'm very single right now, but I'd like to find my life partner. Dating in LA, it's really hard. Oh my God. I don't go to bars so what do you do? It's all online stuff. I find it really sad how people are so disposable to one another. But I'm out there and I'm totally available to a wonderful relationship.

EDGE: Is it hard dating being the son of such famous parents?

Jason Gould: It was all a big challenge out there when I was younger. But I'm at peace with it now. We're all just human beings trying to make it in this world.

EDGE: And you have a good relationship with your mother?

Jason Gould: We have a lovely respect for each other. A deep love for each other. It's always real. It's had challenges, but we have a deep, honest relationship.

EDGE: If you were given the chance to do something over, would you take it? And, if so, what would that be?

Jason Gould: I'm not somebody who has regrets. That's where I've gotten in my spiritual life. I don't look at my life with regrets at all.

For more on Jason Gould's music, follow this link.

by Nicholas Dussault

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