Meditation For Busy People: Stress-Beating Strategies To Calm Your Life

Jason Salzenstein READ TIME: 2 MIN.

From horns and traffic on the street, to co-workers driving you crazy, to kids running around, cell phones beeping, errands, bills? the stress never ends! Guess what? It won?t.

However, instead of getting frustrated, tense and unhappy from the stresses in your life, ?Meditation for Busy People? teaches us how to temporarily step away from those stress-inducing factors in order to restore our minds and bodies, and bring us back to a mindful, centered place where we can better face our day, and indeed our challenges.

Compiled from the teachings of renowned spiritual leader Osho, Meditation for Busy People is filled with simple, easy-to-put-to-use techniques and practices that can help even the most frazzled person rediscover their inner self, open up to a calmer world and experience a more fulfilling, less stressful life.

From basic tools on seeing the good in potentially negative situations, to short and simple (but very effective) meditative exercises, this book isn?t designed to turn you into a Yogi, nor does it talk down to the average reader. What it does is offer advice and easily learned skills that will make you more aware, more open to happiness and less stressed.

Personally, between running from meetings to fashion shows to dinners with friends, and trying not to miss important deadlines, not to mention flying across the country every three weeks, I found the chapters on awareness and relaxation to be life savers. I learned that I needed to let go- to let go of control, of my worries, of my mind, if only for a few minutes, to allow my stress to release and my mind to clear. After a few minutes of meditation, I was better able to handle problems, deal with difficult people and get more work done; all while remaining calm and focused.

Written in a simple style and broken into easy-to-read chapters and sections, Meditation for Busy People doesn?t make those of us that aren?t Yoga Masters feel less-than-spiritual and it?s not full of New-Age hocus pocus. What it is, is a down-to-earth reference and tool for everyone. An easy way to help bring more order, more peace, more serenity to your life.

I think I?ve just found my holiday gift for everyone I know next year!

by Jason Salzenstein

Twitter :: JasonSalz

Jason Salzenstein is a writer and editor; design, image, and marketing consultant; and professional shopper. His work has appeared in numerous national and international publications and he has clients around the world. For more information ::

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