NH Freedom to Marry Coalition backs Edwards

Michael Wood READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The New Hampshire Freedom to Marry Coalition has endorsed John Edwards in the Democratic presidential primary, which takes place in the Granite State on Jan. 8. On top of that, Edwards got a personal nod from the group's executive director Mo Baxley, who is also a state representative. Take that, Oprama!

Below is a press release from the Edwards campaign announcing the endorsements:

The John Edwards for President campaign today announced the endorsements
of the New Hampshire Freedom to Marry Coalition and its executive director, State Rep. Mo Baxley. The group cited Edwards' commitment to equal rights and fighting discrimination in all forms.

"I am proud to announce both our group's endorsement, as well as my
personal endorsement, of John Edwards for president," Baxley said. "We
took a long look at all of the candidates, we met with many of them, and
in our judgment, John Edwards' sincere commitment to battling discrimination and ensuring equal rights for every American is unparalleled. He and his wonderful wife Elizabeth have spent their entire lives fighting for those without a voice and standing up for what is right. John Edwards will be the kind of president we can trust to stand up for everyday Americans."

"I am proud to have the endorsements of Mo and New Hampshire Freedom to
Marry," Edwards said. "NHFTM has done outstanding work advocating for LGBT families in New Hampshire. I am committed to equality for all Americans -- discrimination of any kind is morally wrong. I believe that all Americans should have the same freedoms and the same responsibilities."

NHFTM is a statewide LGBT education and advocacy organization whose work
on behalf of LGBT families has raised awareness of LGBT issues. NHFTM made
its decision to endorse John Edwards after considering all candidates' policy positions, voting records and their campaigns' outreach to the LGBT community. They met with candidates and contacted leaders in the gay
community in their home states as well as the other early caucus and
primary states.

John Edwards opposes discrimination in all forms. He supports the repeal
of Don't Ask, Don't Tell as well as the full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. He supports equal rights for same-sex couples and believes that all Americans should have the same rights and responsibilities. As president, he will expand hate crimes legislation and will prohibit job discrimination.

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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