
Michael Wood READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Nada Surf

Sounding older and wiser on their fifth album - or at least a bit world weary - Nada Surf delivers a pleasant disc of generally mellow indie pop that gently alternates between up-tempo, guitar heavy numbers and slower songs that put the emphasis on the band's lovely harmonies. At first listen it's all a bit too much of a piece - when I heard the line "Now change programs" on the softly upbeat "Here Goes Something" I heartily agreed it was good advice - and though further listens reveal the craftsmanship of each song, there's no killer track here (though "Weightless," which oscillates between mournful verses and a power chorus, has "radio hit" written all over it.). As the emotional content of the album started to sink in, I appreciated the contrast between the bittersweet lyrics and hopeful mood of the music. This is solid stuff, and it could be the kind of album that slowly sneaks up on you until you realize, months later, it's become a favorite.

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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