A Single Drop of Red

Michael Wood READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Anarchy Club
Anarchy Club

With their pounding guitars, judicious use of synthesizers and dramatic lyrics about combat and death, this hard-rocking Boston duo certainly makes evocative music. When the leather-clad future commandos slip across a radioactive no-man's land to do battle with the cyborg overlords, you just know this is the music that will be playing. On the other hand, it might also be in the background when some pasty suburban kids have another argument about whether Gordon Liu could beat up Bruce Lee. The crashing chords and bombastic lyrics teeter between enjoyable silliness and adolescent pretension. If you're not above guilty pleasures, or you need music to LARP by, crank up tracks like "Enemy Ace" and "Shaolin (Wudang Style)" and you'll find this thundering EP is pretty fun.

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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