Down to the Bone

Michael Wood READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Mayra Lazar Dole
Harper Teen

Why are so many of the gay coming-of-age books about boys? Down to the Bone adds some gender and racial diversity to the growing canon with this tale of a lesbian Latina. Laura is in love with her girlfriend Marlena and all is right with the world - until the discovery of a love letter gets her kicked out of Catholic school and out of her mother's house. Separated from her girlfriend and forced to move in with a friend's family, Laura tries to distance herself from her past and her sexuality. You can imagine how successful that tactic is. But will Laura settle for living a lie, or will she fully come out? Dole spins her yarn with a pleasing mix of honesty and lightness, showing us Laura's pain and confusion in dealing with her unsupportive family and friends, but without getting so bogged down in it that the reader loses hope. And Laura is a character to root for: sassy and sarcastic, insightful but na?ve, loving but defensive. She's an authentic teenager down to her Miami slang and effusive enthusiasm and, when she finally finds her pride you'll want to cheer.

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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