What does Mr. Boston Leather 2009 want? World peace, of course!

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 4 MIN.

Bay Windows: How did you feel when you found out you'd won the title of Mr. Boston Leather 2009?

Tim Starkey: Standing on stage I remember being nervous and excited. At heart I am a bit of an introvert but obviously by my doing this, I try to push myself.

When I heard my name as the winner I plastered a big smile on my face and was thrilled but there was a little voice inside going "Holy crap, now I am going to have a really busy year!"

The next 10 minutes of getting my picture taken was a big blur. Driving home with my best friend, I think I was a bit in shock and just kept saying, "I won!"

BW: Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why?

TS: Hmmm. I like this question. It is much easier than one I got in the contest. In the contest the judge asked, "Top or bottom?" Giver versus taker is much easier to answer. Giving and taking live closely together. You cannot have one without the other.

Without a doubt I am more of a giver. I have a hard time asking or accepting help or things. Giving for me is easy. It is all about making others happy; that makes me thrilled. I learned about giving from my parents. They are still amazing guides in my life.

BW: If you were to show me around your community, where would you take me?

TS: Our tour would start at the Boston Ramrod, not only are they the sponsor for the Mr. Boston Leather contest but they are "the leather bar" in Boston.

From there we would stop in at Inseam Clothing in JP to outfit you then Strap leather shop at the Ramrod to pick up a harness and do a quick trip to Eros on Tremont Street for any additional toys you might need.

Then we would head to P-Town to do Mates Leather Weekend, which is an awesome chance to hang out with a few hundred leather folk. Next we would head to our nation's capital for Mid Atlantic Leather weekend. At MAL you will meet tons of hot leather men and women with amazing, loving hearts. Our last destination would be International Mr. Leather in Chicago. IML hosts several thousands of leather men. It is the annual highlight event of the leather world.

BW: What do you hope Mr. Boston Leather 2010 will accomplish?

TS: My goals this past year were offering education in and out of the community, creating social networking opportunities, charitable fundraising, HIV prevention, and representing the New England leather community at various events across the US.

What I desire for Mr. Boston Leather 2010 is that he has things he is passionate about. Whether it is education, visibility of the title, or philanthropic endeavors does not matter to me as much as a sincere passion for being involved in things that honor and build community. Oh, and as Sandra Bullock would say, "and world peace." He must want world peace!

BW: If you had to choose between fame and fortune, which would you choose and why?

TS: Fame can be fleeting, soon someone else comes along and you become past tense. Good fortune is more appealing to me. While good fortune is something that can benefit me directly it also is something that can be used to benefit others. Good fortune is best when it is shared with others.

BW: What advice would you give a friend entering a Mr. Boston Leather competition?

TS: Have fun. Remember your values. Be true to who you are inside and let it shine outward. The judges want to know who you are. Many leather men share the same characteristics of trust, honor, and respect. Let the judges know what makes you unique. While this is a contest, have fun! Enjoy the journey; do not just focus on the end result. As for what to wear...to impress me, make sure your leather boots look great!

BW: What are the three most important characteristics Mr. Boston Leather should possess?

TS: Passion, determination, commitment. These all boil down to having a conviction of who you are. Be true to yourself.

BW: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you and why?

TS: A hot versatile man with MacGyver abilities and a lifetime supply of really expensive chocolate. For the third thing I am going to have to say these count as one because they go together: silicone lube and condoms.

Overall, Being Mr. Boston Leather 2009 has been an amazing experience. I have had a blast this year and grown in many ways. It has been my fortune to have had a lot of support from my community and developed great bonds with people this year. Traveling locally and across the country I got to meet many people who will always be significant to me. Sometimes it can be scary for people to step out of their comfort zone and do crazy adventurous things but it is during these times that we develop toward our highest potential. There is a quote by the poet Mary Oliver that I have on my business card, "What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Readers: Information can be found on www.ramrod-boston.com or by emailing me at [email protected]. The Contest weekend is September 18 & 19, 2009. We have an amazing line up of judges and entertainment. Fredrick Ford (www.fredrickford.com) will be singing on 9/19/09 at the Boston Ramrod. For judges we have Lamalani (International Ms. Leather 2009), Brendan McGovern (Mr. Ottawa Leather 2009), Dave Watt (Mr. Michigan Leather 2009), Peter Dillon (Mr. Toronto Leather 2009), Barry Walters (Mr. Connecticut Leather 2009), and me! We hope to see lots of people out at the Ramrod for the Mr. Boston Leather Weekend...and of course on Sunday many of us will make our way to Out at The Park at Six Flags for outdoor fun.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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