The wedding party

Michael Wood READ TIME: 1 MIN.

2007 was the year we finally won the marriage battles. More people than can be mentioned made it happen. But Bay Windows honors the following for making a crucial difference:

Senate President Therese Murray, whose decisive move to set a deadline for the vote turned out to be a defining moment in the battle.

Gov. Deval Patrick, who set a public tone of inclusiveness and used his popularity and political capital to defeat the amendment.

House Speaker Sal DiMasi, who lobbied key lawmakers up until the last moments before the constitutional convention.

State Rep. Richard Ross and the 10 other lawmakers who showed rare courage in switching their vote to oppose the amendment between the Jan. 2 and June 14 constitutional conventions.

MassEquality Campaign Director Marc Solomon, who lead an unwieldy coalition to victory.

Bay Windows also honors the Rev. Martin McLee of Union United Methodist Church for his heroic work welcoming LGBT people into the Christian black church.

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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