Contrada warns of trans apocalypse

Michael Wood READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Given that members of the anti-gay group MassResistance have used public forums to accuse gay people of recruiting children for sex and to claim that the Nazis were gay, it's no surprise that the group's blogger, Amy Contrada, has some colorful things to say about House Bill 1722, the transgender rights bill. For the past week Contrada has been unveiling chapters in what purports to be a 75-page report on the dangers of the bill. What follows are some of the choice excerpts:

"There are unpredictable dangers lurking in the proposed terminology, 'gender expression.' Just as it's up to the individual to define his or her 'gender identity,' he or she will be able to claim that any behavior is his/her "expression" of that self-determined 'identity' and is protected in the law. It could apply to anything, whether a private or public 'expression.' Besides cross-dressing, this could logically open the door to public sex acts on the street and public displays of BDSM including whips and chains, sadomasochism -- both of which recently took place in San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair. Or polyamory (multiple partners), and eventual demands for legalized polygamy. Or sex for pay (legalized prostitution) and 'sex slave' arrangements. Or public displays of nudity or semi-nudity (as already seen in 'gay pride' parades)."

"This bill is about a woman who decides to have her breasts removed and parade as a 'male' in the street, with her scarred chest bared. Now, such things happen only in 'gay' neighborhoods or 'pride' events. Soon, you could see a de-breasted woman walking around a suburban neighborhood or family beach, just as men now do, without a shirt - and you will not be able to complain because it's 'gender expression.' Since she identifies as a male, she is a male, and she's no longer a female bearing her breasts - which are no longer there in any case. And you will have to 'celebrate diversity' and tell your little daughter that she, too, might grow up some day and not have breasts."

"A hotel or convention site will not be allowed to turn down a transgender/cross-dresser or BDSM (whips & chains, sadomasochism) convention. A restaurant will not be able to turn away a special party for she-male prostitutes and their clients, or cross-dressers. A museum or library will not be allowed to turn away a GLBT activist seminar promoting BDSM, public nudity, public sex, or legalized prostitution. A function facility will not be allowed to refuse a seminar on breast removal and hormone treatments for women 'transitioning' to men. A Catholic church could even be forced to hold a forum on homosexual or transsexual 'marriage' or polygamy. These behaviors and activities could all be considered 'gender expression' and these venues are could all be considered 'public accommodations.'"

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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