The sophomore sixth
The sophomore sixth

Tom Dolby is back with The Sixth Form

by Michael Wood | Jan 11, 2008

Girl watcher
Girl watcher

Some photographers accumulate fuzzy photos of sunsets. But when you're a professional photographer who covers the music and queer scenes in and around Boston, you tend to accumulate photos of drag queens. So when the gallery at The Paradise Lounge approached Kelly Davidson about an exhibit of her rock and roll photography, Davidson had a better idea.

by Michael Wood | Jan 12, 2008

Madagascar Skin
Madagascar Skin

Two men, drifters and outcasts, find solace in each other's company in this odd, evocative drama. John Hannah (<I>Alias, The Mummy</i>) is Harry, a lonely man who's never found acceptance in the gay community because of the big port wine stain on his face (it's vaguely shaped like Madagascar, hence the title.)

by Michael Wood | Jan 14, 2008

Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Scenes of a Sexual Nature

Despite the racy title, this gentle ensemble drama is necessarily rather tame, as it takes place entirely on Hampstead Heath, a popular London park.

by Michael Wood | Jan 12, 2008

Smiley Face
Smiley Face

In 2004, Gregg Araki, the indie director who's a key figure in New Queer Cinema, seemed on the verge of crossover success following the critical accolades heaped on his exquisite character study, <I>Mysterious Skin</i>. What's he been doing since then? Getting high, apparently.

by Brian Jewell | Jan 10, 2008

LGBT gains in N.H. have influenced campaign rhetoric
LGBT gains in N.H. have influenced campaign rhetoric

LGBT advocates made an unprecedented push to the community's presence known in the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire. The years-long effort paid off -- big time -- last week.

by Michael Wood | Jan 10, 2008

Mugs amok in Macao
Mugs amok in Macao

In <I>Adrift in Macao</i>, opium-addicted but dangerously sexy sing-song girls vamp for the customers in an exotic bar while the owner trades secrets and searches for a mysterious criminal. The Lyric Stage puts on a hidden but hilarious musical comedy!

by Michael Wood | Jan 10, 2008

N.H. primary results great news for LGBT America
N.H. primary results great news for LGBT America

Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney's humiliating defeat at the hands of New Hampshire primary voters Jan. 8 marks the end of his presidential campaign. He'll still keep running -- he can certainly afford it -- but it's over.

by David Foucher | Jan 9, 2008

Two Lives: Gertrude and Alice
Two Lives: Gertrude and Alice

How did Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, a pair of elderly Jewish lesbians, survive the Nazi occupation of France? That's the opening question of this fascinating book that begins as a simple historical narrative, and expands into an exploration of Stein's work and her relationship with Toklas.

by Michael Wood | Jan 5, 2008

Some color in your night
Some color in your night

Still recovering from partying on New Year's Eve? DJ Joseph Colbourne has a prescription: "A little hair of the dog don't hurt!" Colbourne is turning First Night into First Week by throwing a New Year-themed dance party at The Milky Way this weekend.

by Michael Wood | Jan 5, 2008

Displaying 97 out of 122 pages